A Magical Meeting of Waters
We adore a good love story.
At a point near Manaus, Brazil , the northern section of the Amazon, the Rio Solimões finds company in another river, the Rio Negro. For three miles, the two flow in parallel. They can see each other, but they haven’t met. Until ultimately, they do. The Rio Negro is a warm, inky blue stream while the colder, sandy-colored Rio Solimões flows twice as fast.
For six mesmerizing miles, their disparate waters touch, bubble and dance, cheek-to cheek, before giving up their differences in temperature and velocity to become simpatico. They unite in a confluence known as Encontro das Águas, or “Meeting of the Waters. ” The symbiotic waters power on to form the Rio Amazonas whose name was aptly inspired by a tribe of women warriors.
This natural spectacle is emblematic of the sometimes discordant but ultimately culturally rich country and the talented, burgeoning peoples that comprise the great and bounteous nation of Brazil.
A beautiful story of power and connection from nature herself.